This fabolous side dish is a given on any grill occasion in that it is both delicious and easy-to-make at the same time. You need 200 g of real Cyprus Halloumi cheese (available at your lokal deli) and eight slices of bacon (one pack). Cut the cheese in half and repeat until you have eight equally sized cuts. Place on a towel or napkin and let it dry off for a minute or two. Wrap one slice of bacon around each cut. Put on high heat on the grill for four minutes (turn 90 degrees after one minute to avoid sticking – you’ll get the famous grill grid as a bonus). Done! Delicious! A guaranteed winner! (If you don’t like this you probably like over-boiled-British-style-cauliflower; may God have mercy on your soul)
In Sweden, we call this Moomin meat… 😉