Author Archives: Fredrik

Fearless change

By | March 16, 2011

Long overdue, I finally picked up reading this book given to me by a friend several years ago and now I just can’t put it down. Brutally honest in the description of the natural born unwillingness to change that we recognize with so many people we meet in our everyday encounters. This is how you… Read More »

Puddle jumping

By | March 8, 2011

The art of properly managing a short trip lies in packing. Packing smart is everything. Lasting only one or two days, the shorthaul is when you try to avoid checking your luggage. Think carry-on. Airline allowances for domestic US flights are two carry-ons per person while in EU it’s only one (and yes, your briefcase… Read More »


By | February 3, 2011

A longhaul flight is when you travel across continents, which at least in the normal case means that you are gone for 4-5 days or more. While there are still people to be found who will consider packing for such a trip in a carry-on, most people realize that the implications of that (such as… Read More »

Lite fånigt

By | January 13, 2011

Mina döttrars förskola har, liksom – är jag övertygad – de flesta andra förskolor, en sjukdomspolicy. Sjukdomspolicyn utgör riktlinjer för vad som gäller när barnen är sjuka. Enligt den ska barn vara fortsatt hemma från förskolan i X timmar efter att de blivit friska. X varierar med åkomma, men är typiskt 24 vid feber, 48… Read More »